Monday, February 12, 2007

Belated Birthday Smooch

Oh, and my granddaughters just turned 7 on the 9th. I sent them presents and they got to open one on their birthday a day BEFORE the party. G picked the package with clothes, F picked the package with a Barbie! This picture was taken a year ago in Disneyland. They are growing so fast.
Happy Birthday to my Honeys! Grandma sends the biggest smooch ever. Love you more than the moon!

Valentines and Birthdays

Here is my late father, and my husband. Dad's birthday would have been the 17th and Valentines Day is the 14th. Two men I love dearly seated next to each other in conversation. Because of Dad's homegoing and because of ongoing life stresses with my husband back in school full-time and finances an insurmountable burden, my heart feels as if it has been squeezed or wrung out. Yet, half-heartedly I DO want to let my husband know I love him and wish my father a Happy Birthday in heaven. So, here is a valentine kiss and a birthday hug from a weary heart. With much love from your wife and devoted daugther!