Friday, August 03, 2007

I'm Not Forgetting My Bro

I'm not forgetting about my brother, B. He has had as many crisis and detours down the path of life as I have. We are only 10 months apart, and for one month each year...we are calendar twins. I'm very close to my brother and proud of the difficulties he's weathered and the great changes he's making in his life. We both miss Pa terribly, but B was his only son and best friend. I love ya' big brother. May God continue to watch over and keep you and yours close. May He grant us smooth sailing and a diminishing of rocky roads as we continue down life's path.

Sisters are a Blessing

I have been extremely blessed with two sisters (and one brother). But, because I'm a woman sisters are a particularly wonderful blessing. We understand each other as women, we share the same parents and similar experiences with our upbringing, and the bond of love and friendship is stronger then no other. We may not always agree, but Lord help anyone who hurts my sisters. Each of us has endured hardships unique to the individual, and each of us has been there to lend a hand, a listening ear or a shoulder to cry upon.
Though I love my brother equally the same, the relationship I share with my sisters is one that I treasure and try to mimick with all my women friends. I guess God knew when he created us that our unique family unit would be the perfect situation for us. I'm so thankful for J and C. I love ya' like nobody else can! May God bless you when we are apart. Know that you are constantly in my thoughts and prayers.
Love, Your big sis!

Family Reunion

My mother and her twin celebrated their 70th birthday! We all got together for a family reunion and I had the opportunity to see cousins I haven't seen in years. Funny how time flys. My cousin commented on how he didn't feel one bit older then he did when he was a teen. I agree. In many ways, I still think I have so much learning to do, so many things to see and experience yet, and I certainly don't know where the years went.

Happy Birthday Mom! Like your birthday cake said "Aged to Perfection."