Sunday, March 21, 2010

Mid Life

I guess I should be joyful about being in midlife...there are many things to be thankful for. At 51 years of age I am a Christian - saved by the blood of Christ and I know where I'm going when my vessel is done being used. I have been blessed with 4 children and a stepson, 4 grandchildren, a job, a home and fairly decent health. Not the greatest, but I'm not ill and for that I am most grateful. While it hasn't been an easy ride through life and I've had way too many trials, there are others who have endured far worse and still rejoice. His refining process can't be explained.
I'm thankful for each new day and the opportunity to do His will. Why then, is faith such a faltering thing? Why does worry, doubt and fear still consume the soul? Oh to sit at His feet, feel the beat of His heart and know the love and peace of God. It's overwhelming (like the song). Is it wrong to want Christ to return sooner rather then later? Is it weak to be tired and weary? Tears only cleanse my eyes and don't offer solace. Prayer brings temporary relief, until the flesh takes over its mundane daily tasks.
As I prepare to send my son off to war, I lay all the burdens I have at the foot of the cross. God is with him, just as He is with me and I trust Him to deliver my son from evil, to be his Protector and Defender, to love and guide him just as He does each of us. I give you ALL those who are dear to me Heavenly Father. I pray for ALL those serving in our military and the families that love them. Thank you for all that you are Father and all that you do. I praise you with all of my being. I trust in You and You alone.