Monday, September 26, 2005

Where Did Summer Go?

I don't know about you, but summer flew by extremely fast this year. I'm mourning the loss of sunshine already...and the change to fall season has barely begun. I'm definitely a California girl, because I LIVE for the sunshine. I think it stems from my midwestern roots...where 6 months out of the year it's too cold to go outside and it seems gray/overcast. I still get a little of that S.A.D. (season affective disorder). Recently, my Dad told me he suffers from it too. Does anyone else experience this?


Charlyn said...

I probably suffer from it too. I LOVE the sun and heat. If it's rainy and cool, I just want to sleep. But it's not bad enough to make me move away from the beautiful 4 seasons! (At least 3 of them are beautiful).
Kayla loves it when it rains and storms, she gets all excited - she doesn't like heat - not a summer girl!!

Eddo said...

Hi! I LOVE summer, but I also LOVE winter too. Shenna told me to come by and say hi!

Eddo said...

Okay, I read everything! Time to post something new - what shows to you love? Foods? Recipes? And this new husband, how exactly did ya'll meet? The Blog world must know!


Susan said...

Kayla, I only miss winter (and snow) at Christmas time. California has beautiful fall seasons too. Winter isn't very pretty because the grass and everything is "dorminant". But, on the other hand...the landscape (mountains) turn green because that's the rainy season.

Susan said...

Nice to meet you Eddo. So, Plano isn't too far from Dallas, is it? If I know any hot, single, younger ladies (I'm the old fogie in this blog group) I might be able to hook you up!