Friday, October 21, 2005

Collin Jacob

This is Collin Jacob. Little Brother to Grace and Faith. All boy, but definitely the baby of the family.
Collin is 2 years old, quite vocal and very smart. He enjoys race cars, spider man, and shadowing his big sisters 24 hours a day.
He also like the "silky tags" on panties or pjs or he goes in his sisters' drawers and takes out their clothes with the silky tags on them so he can play with them during naptime. Posted by Picasa


Greg said...

Hey Buddy!

I was like collin when I was a kid... I liked the silky strip of material on blankets... so similar deal... although I don't think I ever played with the silky tags on panties.


Charlyn said...

I wish I knew my neices and nephew better! :( They sure are cute!

Susan said...

You know...buddy is my nickname for my grandson! It caught on too cuz' now everyone calls him that.
What kind of other little boy things did you do when you were little? His daddy made him eat some spinach (cooked) and he spit it out then said, "Yuck, that's gusting dad!" (Disgusting).