Thursday, May 04, 2006

Checking Out

I'm seriously considering checking out of the blog business. It's supposed to be an online journal of sorts. My life is rather dull, pretty boring, and when there is some monumental piece to's usually due to some catastrophe or calamity that just depresses everyone who reads it (and me even more then I already am). It's fun to share and see the lives of others (even when there is sadness and loss, it feels good to pray for the lives of brothers and sisters in Christ). But, I just don't look at it all that often and rarely if ever get comments or ideas or encouragement from anyone other then my sister or niece.


Charlyn said...

Or you could keep posting for this sis who loves you and wants to feel part of your life!

In order to get comments, you have to make them.

I love hearing about your life, don't quit!

Greg said...

Checking in... just to say hi!

Don't check out... just comment on other people's sites and then they will comment on yours... like any other relationship, you have to invest in others for them to reciprocate.

Anyway... Keep smiling... said a prayer for you so that you find a friend there... and that you don't drowned in all the testosterone.


Susan said...

Shenna, I'll give it a try for a little while longer.

Ben, thanks for the encouragement. I check out your blog from time to time too. It sounds like you have a wonderful family. Reminds me of my own when the kids were younger.