Thursday, May 25, 2006

Milestone Anniversary

My parents will celebrate their 50th Wedding anniversary in January. That's a milestone! Not many people make it that far anymore. My sister put out a request for gift ideas and I'm copying the plea. We're on a very tight budget with little to spare and I'm afraid a big bash will be out of the question. But, I wanted to do something heartfelt and personal for they would know the family is celebrating with them in spirit, even if we can't be there in person. I mean, there's always the traditional little gifts of gold, but I was hoping for something creative that just the two of them could do. Perhaps even a little romantic? Any suggestions?


Greg said...

50 YEARS! How FREAKIN cool is that. If we live that long... Sydney and I will be there some day.

Congrats "Ma and Pa"!

Charlyn said...

Hey, I want a copy of this picture!

Susan said...

Just "right click" and "save as". I don't have the original (you or J or Mom do) I just have a scanned copy. I don't even remember how I got that picture to be honest. Gees, I AM getting old.