I AM - a child of God, taking baby steps each day by His wonderful grace.
I AM THANKFUL - for God's Love and for His son, our Lord, Jesus Christ.
I SAID - I'd be an entertainer (singer) when I grew up.
I WANT - so much good and happiness for my children and grandchildren.
I WISH - I had more self control in areas of great weakness.
I MISS - my family and friends in California (and Wisconsin).
I HEAR - God speaking to me through music and song.
I WONDER - when I will truly grow up.
I REGRET - every single bad choice I made and every sin I committed.
I AM NOT - disloyal.
I DANCE - when no one is looking.
I SING - whenever I can.
I CRY - like a ninny all the time over silly sentimental things like kindergarten graduation or handmade birthday cards.
I AM NOT ALWAYS - on time, or focused.
I MAKE WITH MY HANDS - creative little scrapbooks of love, memories, and family history as a token of my heart.
I WRITE - because I can express myself with ease through written words, whereas verbally I solidify.
I CONFUSE - directions.
I NEED - to spend more time with God.
I SHOULD - lose 40 pounds.
I START - getting melancholy over the speed at which time has passed.
I LOVE - to love.
such great responses, it is obvious that you love God and your family and that shines through from your answers
happy late B-day!!
Yup, that about sums it up! That's you!! XO
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