Wednesday, June 06, 2007

No Baby Boy

I can't believe it! My baby boy has graduated from high school. He's excited and ready to spread his wings. My husband thinks it's great...but I'm so sad. I've been a Mom since I was 19 years old. I don't know what else to be, or do, or how else to feel. It's a bit of a midlife crisis because I get so sad. Almost like I am losing my identity.
But, pray for my son (all of them). This young man needs God's guidance and direction, protection and intervention. Help him map out a future that is pleasing to you Father God. Let him know how much he is loved by the Lord. Remind him to press on toward the mark, keeping his eyes and Spirit fixed on Jesus. Put a woman in his future (and the future of all my sons) that is rooted and grounded in Christ. These things I pray in Jesus name. Amen.

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