Saturday, June 13, 2009


My son graduated Pfc meritoriously promoted. My stepson graduated high school. Another son is an OTR semi driver and another is trying to enlist in the army (albeit a few major obstacles to overcome first). My daughter and all my grandkids are in California and I work so much I don't have any real friends or hobbies. My husband is always studying and we're too broke to do anything (like go on a date to a movie or anything). I'm homesick for "life the way it used to be" when the kids were smaller and still looked up to and needed their Mom. To busy weekends watching soccer games or football practices and summers going camping or on road trips. I miss family in Wisconsin I never get the time or money to visit them. I never even get back to my little church in Rio for Sunday service. Heavy sigh, heavy heart.


Anonymous said...

Dear thankful for the moment at hand, no matter what it holds! And always remember that this life is truly short and then we get to experience the real life that the Lord has waiting for us!! All we do and experience now is just a shadow of the real life to come, in Heaven with the Lord and all the saints. This is the hope we cling to, the one that gets us through the lack we feel and those hard moments, days, and seasons of this shadow life. Be of good cheer sister! The best is yet to come!

Anonymous said...

prayin for ya, auntie.
i'm homesick too, but in different ways.