Friday, December 30, 2005

Welcome to Missouri

My son took a picture from the window with my Olympus digital camera of the famous arch as we were driving 65 mph on the freeway. Not a bad shot for a couple of amateurs. The trip itself was full of misadventures (got lost in Oklahoma City, locked the keys in the truck as it was running and had to break a rear window to get in, hauled 2 big drums of diesel fuel and siphoned it into the gas tank AS WE WERE DRIVING DOWN THE ROAD -- a cost saving brainstorm from my husband). I discovered I'm definitely not the road trip kind of person. Just get me there as fast as you can so I can enjoy the vacation. The dang airlines charge way too much these days and we're forced to take drastic measures!
As you can see, we look like the Beverly Hillbillys as we leave WI. Notice the big blue drums in the bed of the pick-up? Imagine a clear hose running from the drum to the gas tank. Oh yeah, about as Okie as you can get. But, all in all I guess I'd do it all again for a chance to visit with my family. The time flew by all too quickly and it's back to work. Another day, another dollar. Stress, stress and more stress. Is that what life is all about? I'd rather be with my grandkids or my loved ones making memories and taking pictures. Why can't I win the lotto?

1 comment:

Charlyn said...

Love the arch!

And you guys are definitely a bunch of hillbillies!! LOL!