Friday, February 24, 2006

Winning the Lotto

My husband plays the lotto every week. $52 a year, every year since I've known him. He says "I know the odds are astronomical, but SOMEBODY has to win...could be me." "People waste a dollar a week on dumber things then this." Recently, some people in Nebraska won $285,000,000. He says, "I always feel a little disappointed when I don't win the big jackpots." He tells me all the plans he as for the money if he ever wins.

If I won a couple million dollars, I invest 1/2, pay off bills and then buy a nice, new, decorator model type home in California right next to my grandkids! Then, I'd go on a couple of exotic vacations...maybe to one of those spas that gets you in shape after a month and have a makeover. I'd take some photography classes and have fun with graphic arts (maybe travel a bit). I'd give my kids a new car or pay off some of their bills so they could get a fresh start. Then, just live the simple life. I don't need fancy cars, clothes, jewelry, none of that. Actually, sounds like I'd run out of money LONG before I got to do 1/2 of those things. LOL. But, anyway...

It's fun to dream. What would you do if you won??

One For the Money

Two for the Show, Three to Get Ready, Four to GO!!! Home that is. GOING HOME! T.G.I.F.

I've had a difficult week and still need some prayer for strength, self control, and with sons. Work seemed to drag on this past week, I had no energy when I got home and accomplished nothing once I got there. I flip-flopped between anger and depression...and I'm not completely sure why. Ever feel like a leaf blown by the wind? Helpless? That's why I'm glad it's Friday. I'll spend the weekend in prayer, reflection, and scrapbooking. (I know, that probably sounds completely boring to most). But, it's cold and yucky outside, I don't have any money to go anywhere, don't know anyone in Dallas (even if I did have money), and my husband is on the road.'s the best I can do. The boys will be playing remote control cars or xbox and watching tv. (Two of the bikes have flats and one needs an axle repair). At least I'm a parent and "I know where my children are."

Signed, Frumpy

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Small in the Scheme of Things

Ever feel small in the scheme of things? I do quite often. Especially when troubled by earthly problems and stress. What a weak mortal am I. This picture reminds me God created everything, absolutely everything in His infinite wisdom. Everything and everyone has a purpose and a destiny that He mapped specifically for each one! Though there may be dark clouds and storms that threaten, there is still the blue sky reaching toward the vast heavens. Like this bird so far up in the sky as to seem but a mere speck, we should trust Him to help us soar like eagles!

A Book titled "One Woman's Thoughts"

This is an excerpt from the book (above) written by Lee Atkins. It was given to a friend by her mother and she let me read it. Replace the little girl's name (Malory) with that of my granddaughters. It made me cry so much because that is exactly how I feel about them! It is also how I feel about my daughter and sons. But, with grandchildren the feeling is so intense, it's overwhelming. I wonder why?


MALORY IS ELEVEN YEARS OLD. She is like the dawning of spring to me, so exuberant and curious. I love to be with her because everything is fun to her. On days when the world is crashing around me, Malory's smile is like the sun's rays warming my worries away. She is everything I want to be when I grow up and everything I hope she never loses. She is my hope and my confidence, all rolled up into one beautiful little girl.

My one wish for Malory would be that she never grows old in spirit, for it is her enthusiasm that makes her wonderful. I pray that no one will try to destroy that part of her that makes her special and absolutely intoxicating to be around. She is like wind and fire and water. Her love lifts me to places I'd forgotten about. She is my mentor, my guide, and my everlasting remembrance of youth. My heart seeks to protect this treasure within her, to make sure that no one crushes the innocence she is about. But if she is ever tainted by those whose blindness cannot detect the miracle, then I pray that I will be able to reconstruct the beauty that resides in her. I will tell her to remember when we watched Batman and Robin and when we worked on her class project at Kinkos the last minute. And I will remind her of when she was two and walked around with a box of coveted raisins in her pink, polka-dot bikini, when she performed magnificently in her talent show, how she really did sound like the Spice Girls, and how many endless boxes of crackers she ate.

Yes, I have decided to make it my mission to preserve this totally awesome creature of mine. She has my eyes, you know. And I remember her soul from days past. In her I will learn to dream again. I love you, baby girl.


That pretty much sums it up for me. A Mom and Grandma

In Conjunction With Prayer Fast

A reminder from our sister Falon...

2 Timothy 3:1-5
But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them.

Wow! If that does not describe the times we are in now. I do not claim to know the date He is coming back, but according to scripture we are in the last days. Do you know what that means? It means we only have a short time to get God's word to those who do not know Him. No lingering, no longer can we sit by idle, meek, we need to be as God planned for us to be...Bold as Lions! We as Christians need to take a stand for our Father in Heaven. We can not be worried about what the world will do to us, because the trials that we go through in this life are just for a season, our eternity is in Heaven. I'm preaching to myself believe me, because there are/and have been times when I did not move when I should have, but I am challenging you and myself to be stronger, bolder, and louder for Christ than you have ever been before. We must unite under Him. Be strong for He will protect and provide in whatever He sends us to do. God bless.

40 Day Prayer Fast

A sister in Christ (and myself) are going on a 40 day prayer fast to pray for the sons of the nation...all sons. Not that our daughters don't need prayer as well, but we've noticed that specifically (at this time) the sons are being attacked by the advesary. The battle has raged for generations and it's getting out of hand. If the advesary succeeds in undermining the male authority figure (in the home and the church) much will perish. Their self esteem, their education, their faith and the fabric of society suffer a great deal. It's already in peril. We are targeting the young males in the nation and our household-- taking a stand against the powers of evil because we see too much violence and harm at school and in their lives. Too much war, hate, confusion. They are lost in anger and hurt. We pray for the permanent breaking of generational curses and bondage of any kind (drugs, alcohol, pornography, money, etc.) We pray that God's spirit be released and fill their souls.

Please pray with us each day. Pray for our sons, pray for our strength of faith and spirit. Pray that God grants us patience and wisdom, protection and guidance. Pray he grants them spiritual insight and allows us the time to absorb His word so that we can be mothers these boys will turn to when in need. Let God's love be the milk and honey they seek, the bread and water, the salt of life. Let Him be their provider (for everything) and the spiritual food they need. I pray this for ALL our children (male and female). Let them find the mate you created for them, WHEN they are supposed to find them and give them comfort during the times they are lonely or afraid. Let the Lord be who they turn to with every question, every desire, every problem.

Thank you for joining us in this prayer.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Unspoken Prayer

I have an unspoken prayer request. A family matter/crisis. Please pray for me and my family.



You never know when God is going to bless you!! Good things happen when you least expect them to !!!!!!!!

Dear Lord, I thank You for this day. I thank You for my being able to see and to hear this morning. I'm blessed because You are a forgiving God and an understanding God. You have done so much for me and You keep on blessing me. Forgive me this day for everything I have done, said or thought that was not pleasing to you.

I ask now for Your forgiveness. Please keep me safe from all danger and harm. Help me to start this day with a new attitude and plenty of gratitude. Let me make the best of each and every day to clear my mind so that I can hear from You. Please broaden my mind that I can accept all things. Let me not whine and whimper over things I have no control over.
And It's the best response when I'm pushed beyond my limits.

I know that when I can't pray, You listen to my heart. Continue to use me to do Your will. Continue to bless me that I may be a blessing to others. Keep me strong that I may help the weak... Keep me uplifted that I may have words of encouragement for others. I pray for those that are lost and can't find their way. I pray for those that are misjudged and misunderstood. I pray for those who don't know You intimately. I pray for those that will delete this without sharing it with others. I pray for those that don't believe.

But I thank you that I believe. I believe that God changes people and God changes things. I pray for all my sisters and brothers. For each and every family member in their households. I pray for peace, love and joy in their homes that they are out of debt and all their needs are met. I pray that every eye that reads this knows there is no problem, circumstance, or situation greater than God. Every battle is in Your hands for You to fight. I pray that these words be received into the hearts of every eye that sees it.

God Bless!!!!!!!!!!! Just repeat this phrase and see how God moves!!

God I love you and I need you, come into my heart, please.

Pass this message to as many people as God moves in your heart. Don't ignore and God will bless you.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

A Rose for You

A Valentine's Day Rose for you. Much like the blood of Jesus, the color of crimson is breathtaking and significant. Much like the crown of thorns he wore, the thorns on the rose are meant to protect this kingly flower. ..providing it with a regal place.

May He bless you on this day and every day. Remember only that His love is ever present, unending, and bright. It has been there from the beginning of time and it will be there at the end. You are loved, always. Happy Valentines Day.

A Valentine for John

To My Husband

What was my life like,
before there was you?
It’s difficult to recall when our
love was just brand new.
And yet I can't imagine, a
life that's without you.
Each day has been a lesson learned,
and still we traverse on,
Holding hands and joining hearts
as we walk the great beyond.
I’m glad that destiny joined us,
or maybe it was God.
But either way I’m grateful
and the union I applaud.
So my love I send you
on this cheerful Valentine,
All my love forever…
Yes, until the end of time!

Friday, February 10, 2006

Thanks Rena

Sowing in Tears
TGIF Today God Is First, by O.S. Hillman

Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy. - Psalm 126:5Psalm 126 describes an interesting process that goes against our natural tendencies when we are taken into a difficult period in our lives. Whenever we are hurled into a crisis that brings tears, our tendency is to retreat or recoil in fear and hurt. However, there is a better way that God tells us to handle such times of travail.Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy. "He who goes out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with him" (Ps. 126:5-6). God is telling us that if we will do what is unnatural for us in these circumstances, He will make sure that what we sow in tears will return in joy. This is one of the most important lessons I have learned when faced with difficult circumstances. Rather than sit back and allow self-pity and discouragement to consume us, we should plant seed during this time. Reach out to a person who needs a friend. Invest in the life of another. See where you can be a blessing to someone. Give of yourself.

The psalmist acknowledges that we are doing this while we are in our pain. However, during this time we are to sow seed. That seed will return to us in another form. Here is what will happen when we do this. "He who goes out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with him." We will receive joy and fruit from the seed that we plant during this time. Sheaves represent the fruit of a harvest. We will actually get a harvest from this seed."You must not let the circumstances destroy you! Too many in the Kingdom are counting on you to come through this because of the calling on your life!" Those were the words spoken to me by a friend one time when I was in the midst of a very difficult business and personal circumstance that was threatening to destroy me emotionally.

This person saw what God was doing and the fruit that God wanted to bring from these circumstances. Sometimes we need others around us to push us through the difficult times. If you find yourself in a difficult place today, see where you can sow some seed. Soon you will be reaping songs of joy.

My friend Rena sent this to me. She's in California...but God's connections and timing are perfect!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Missing Birthday

My granddaughters turn 6 tomorrow and I'm missing their birthday. It just bums me out to no end. Again, my husband is lucky enough to have a load out that he'll be in California to celebrate with them. That makes it even more tough. I talked to the girls and they both said, "Are YOU gonna' be here for my birthday Grandma?" I know I'm supposed to put God first in EVERYTHING, but why do my heartstrings tug so much? I really miss my home, my kids, my grandkids, my friends...MY LIFE back there. Self pity isn't very attractive. I need to find a way to cope. Any suggestions?