Tuesday, February 21, 2006

40 Day Prayer Fast

A sister in Christ (and myself) are going on a 40 day prayer fast to pray for the sons of the nation...all sons. Not that our daughters don't need prayer as well, but we've noticed that specifically (at this time) the sons are being attacked by the advesary. The battle has raged for generations and it's getting out of hand. If the advesary succeeds in undermining the male authority figure (in the home and the church) much will perish. Their self esteem, their education, their faith and the fabric of society suffer a great deal. It's already in peril. We are targeting the young males in the nation and our household-- taking a stand against the powers of evil because we see too much violence and harm at school and in their lives. Too much war, hate, confusion. They are lost in anger and hurt. We pray for the permanent breaking of generational curses and bondage of any kind (drugs, alcohol, pornography, money, etc.) We pray that God's spirit be released and fill their souls.

Please pray with us each day. Pray for our sons, pray for our strength of faith and spirit. Pray that God grants us patience and wisdom, protection and guidance. Pray he grants them spiritual insight and allows us the time to absorb His word so that we can be mothers these boys will turn to when in need. Let God's love be the milk and honey they seek, the bread and water, the salt of life. Let Him be their provider (for everything) and the spiritual food they need. I pray this for ALL our children (male and female). Let them find the mate you created for them, WHEN they are supposed to find them and give them comfort during the times they are lonely or afraid. Let the Lord be who they turn to with every question, every desire, every problem.

Thank you for joining us in this prayer.

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