Monday, April 10, 2006

A Devotional from a Friend

"...redeeming the time, because the days are evil"

Most everyone reading this know of someone that should have had another day, week, month or year. If we could we would have had one more day with them. In some cases we did not know that last day would was going to be the last. The last time we would see that person in this life. Time is an important commodity. No one knows how much we have. We have already learned that life is a vapor... its here and it gone. Not only concerning death do we realize time is short. How many dads have walked their daughter wondering where the time went. How many moms see their little boys becoming men and wish they could hold their baby in their arms.... one more day. To be honest as I sit and write this tears are coming to my eyes because I realize either by death or by life, our time with each other is all to short. The word "redeem" in this scripture means to buy back. We can not actually buy back time with the people we love. People are only in our lives for a certain time. We only have so many moments with each other. But what if we looked at today as if we got it back. Suppose that a person you knew that you needed to share the gospel with moved, or worse ... died tomorrow. If you could buy back another day with that person. What would you do with it? Well, today is that day. The days are evil folks. Our time with our children are important. We only have so long to get them in church, rooted and grounded in the faith. Some only have so many opportunities to get in a right relationship with God. Lets wake up! Get ready, and make the most of this opportunity that has been given to us..... TODAY!

Strength to make the most of today

Ephesians 5:8-21 entire scripture.

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