As Good Friday approaches and Easter Sunday is days away, I enjoy sharing these devotionals with you. Praise our Lord the risen Savior!
Scripture:" labor pains upon a pregnant woman."
Devotional: We have talked about this before. Once labor pains begin, the only become more intense and more frequent. The word is warning us here of the last days. The word says it will be like a thief in the night. We have heard that before, but in this context, to those of us in Christ, the day should not overtake us as a thief. Why? We live in the light. Not darkness. We are watchers. We are not asleep. We are not drunk. We are alert. We are suited up for the day of Christ coming to get us, OR us going to get Him. Either way, we win! We have seen many trials and tribulations in our world as of late. Tsunami's, hurricanes, earthquakes, terrorism, devastating fires, and the list goes on. The earth is groaning and alerting us to the day approaching. As destruction becomes more and more frequent, be a child of the light. Don't let the day take you off-guard. Even the things that await you today, this week, and the remainder of this year, be alert to what God is doing in you and around you. When sudden destruction comes.. "they" will not escape. As you see the world celebrate their sin. As you watch those around you enjoy the pleasures of this world. Pray for them. Their time is short. One way or another their time is short. Either their days of submitting to satan are about to be over, or they are on a countdown with an encounter with sudden destruction. You may feel foolish at times for what you see that others scoff at. Know this the scoffers have their appointment. That day will come like a thief. You however are not appointed to wrath. Jesus is our escape from the wrath to come. Watch the birth pangs as they become more intense and more frequent... know that the King is coming!
Prayer:That your eyes will be open to the things going on around you.
Reading:1 Thessalonians 5:1-12 entire scripture.
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