Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Birthday Shenna

This is my sister "Shenna". The baby of the family (and spoiled rotten), she is also my best friend and a very loving, Christian mother. She turns (let's see...I'm 11 years older and I'm 48) 37 today! She hates that her birthday is on a "pagan holiday" but, truthfully God has perfect timing and for whatever reason He chose this day to be the day of her birth!
I'm the one who suggested her middle name and my father heard a beauty queen with the same first name. So, not only was she beautifully and wonderfully made in our mother's womb by God, but He allowed her family to chose her name! Well, her birth name anyway. Her married name is another story. LOL! I love her husband like a brother so I'm just getting a little dig in.
Happy Birthday Sis. May God Bless you today and every day of the coming year.

1 comment:

Charlyn said...

Awwww...thanks so much Suz, you make me feel so special!
