My new grandson Z has brought some concerns to the forefront. My son (Z's uncle) took his brother (Z's daddy) the 60 mile trip to visit his one month old son. The mommy has a new boyfriend who wouldn't allow her to take Z to visit his Daddy and wouldn't allow my son to go visit Z. Anyway, he finally got to go visit and Uncle J is very concerned. He called me about it and said something to his brother J. Daddy just became defensive.
Uncle J said that he's (the baby) lethargic and not responding like a normal one month old (he has lots of Uncle and big brother experience). He said there are 3 cats in the household and if Z is like his Daddy, he's very allergic to cat dander. He said he wakes up and then throws up, has a rash on his face and is wheezy. He said he doesn't focus his eyes and something just isn't right. He seemed to unresponsive. What am I to do? I told him to try to convince the mommy (or his brother, my son and the daddy) to take him to a doctor to get him checked out. Might just be allergies.
My daughter called on the cell and tried to talk Uncle J into taking him to urgent care or calling CPS but he was afraid of upsetting his brother and fearful she'd never let J see his son again.
Please pray for this situation.
Thanks Pia.
What?!! That's crazy. They need to get they baby to a doctor. Baby's daddy should insist, it's his child too.
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