You know, there was a program about Nostradamus on TV last night, and how many if not all of his predictions are uncanny and accurate. Debate exists about whether or not he was a Christian. A lot of his predictions are not really "good" predictions. Gloom, doom, death and despair. Which, thanks to the media we get plenty of on a daily basis - thank you very much. And the more desperate the news, the more paper it sells. Welcome to reality TV! I don't watch the stuff. So, why do we watch Nostradamus or any other prophecy shows? Why are we so intrigued by fear and ugliness?
I find it difficult enough to get through life in my own little bubble and stages. Why do people thrive on the black and depressing? All of the predictions Jesus gave us in the bible, and not too many people want to dwell on those or espouse the virtues of living in God's realm. Truth be told, I get so caught up "in the flesh" that I don't walk the walk near as adequately or often as I should. Thank goodness our God is a loving, living, and forgiving God. PTL! But, what if in the next second "we're too late?" All these people I love and know haven't asked the Lord to be their Savior. Is eternal life really so hard to believe in? I don't think so. All you Darwin followers, if you can believe that - why can't you believe this? That mutating cell had to come from somewhere people!
But, I digress. My heart ponders the future when I watch such shows on TV. What will the world be like in 5, 10 or even 20 years when my children and grandchildren are going through these same "stages" of life? Will the world still be here? My mind can't even wrap around the thought. So much war, hate, destruction, disease...we have earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis and global warming. Abductions, murders, abuse. Divorce. Kids are subjected to adult realities far too early and the joys of youth are as vanishing as the early morning dew. My 10 year old granddaughters are showing signs of puberty. 10 years old!!! When I was 10, I was still playing with barbie dolls. It pains the heart.
Nostradamus had such grave predicitions about the U.S., about the war in the Middle East, about China being a new world power...and again, death and destruction. My son is over there in Afghanistan fighting for the U.S. so we can maintain our freedom and continue to be the greatest country on earth. My nephew and friends are in Iraq doing the same thing. It makes one want to take a sledge hammer to the TV. Who
are these people that choose these shows? Do none of them have children? Is the god of
this world so entrenched in that realm of life that we have no hope of ever regaining our foothold? Seriously, are we so greedy and distracted by wealth that we are numb to the dangers?
I say it's time we stand up, take up, put up and tell them to shut up for the sake of our nation and our people. We need to get up and pull ourselves up by the boot straps by looking up to the One who gave us everything and created everything. I'm up for that, are you?