Saturday, July 22, 2006


It's 110 degrees in Northern California! We just got over 107 degrees here in Texas. But, after talking with my grandchildren today--"Mommy can't get the big pool blowed up, we have to wait for Daddy" --I decided to publish these pictures from a visit in April. It was warm then. It reminded me that we all need to bring out the inner child within and run through the sprinklers, letting the water tickle our tongue. Especially when it is 110 degrees. Not only then, but especially then. Let the grass tickle our bare feet and giggle when we get the "itchies" from it. Why? Because youth passes in an instant and we should revel in the glory of childhood. Children are most precious to God. Thank you Father for giving us children! You are worthy of all our praise.


Susan said...

How was the merge?

Charlyn said...

Precious kids Suz. You must be so proud. I wish I could watch them grow up. :(

Susan said...

Thanks Pia, I agree. Kayla, glad you were blessed. I'm sure you did some blessing of your own. It is 115 degrees in Nor Cal today! Be glad you are home. Shenna, I wish I could watch them grow too. :-(

steve said...

Hey there. It is Steve Sporre from "Following God's Will"... I am really REALLY not trying to spam ya but I thought I would let all of my blog friends know that my full length 11 song album is finally here!! I am really excited about it and want to thank all of you for your prayers. Get More info at my Blog... again I am sorry for the "Spam" but many of my Blogger friends asked me to tell them when it was completed!!

And PLEASE help me spread the word and the music!!


Stephanie said...

It is HOLY HOTNESS here in Wisco' too.

I have no kidlets to go "sprinkler jumping" with at the moment, but if I did: you know I would!!

Oh and listen: I got your email invite, but blogger couldn't identify the invite or something really wierd like that, so... can I be your friend anyway? ;)

Stephanie said...

Okay, and here's my "spam" for the day... sorry! :)


Hi! Would you mind stopping by my site when you get a chance? I just put up a time sensitive post about my upcoming missions trip to Jamaica in regards to fundraising and prayer support.

Thank you so much, and may God bless you today!!


Susan said...

Stephanie, email me so I can contribute to the mission trip. I don't know how to do anything lately it seems. I'm such a space cadet. I think I need to see the gyn and get back on HRT because I feel like a little old lady with Alzheimers!