Saturday, July 22, 2006

Speaking of Christian Songs

...have you heard the relatively new Brad Paisley/Dolly Parton duet? When I Get Where I'm Going? My husband called me when it first came out (to tell me how it touched him)! There is another one by Tim McGraw (that escapes me right now) that "made sense" to him in the scheme of things. Garth Brooks (yes...I enjoy country western music, along with rock and roll, christian, some contemporary...I'm a lover of music) Some of God's Greatest Gifts (Are Unanswered Prayers).

Speaking of prayers, please pray for my husband. (His parents named him because a prophet told them when his mother was pregnant that she would have a son who would one day bring many to Christ). He feels like "he spent enough time in church as a kid" that he "paid his dues." And, "Why does God let bad things happen to good people?" "Why does He let babies die?" Or, "Why is His son more important then mine?" (Teardrop)

That just brings Richard Mullin's song Creed to mind. "I believe in God the Father, almighty maker of heaven and maker of earth... and in Jesus Christ His only begotten Son our Lord..." ..."And I believe what I believe, it's what makes me what I am...I did not make it, no it is making me, it is the very truth of God not the invention of any man."

I believe.

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