Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Fish N Chips Anyone?

A snapshot of me and my brother-in-law and sister at a local festival on one of the great lakes. Ya' can't beat the fish and chips when it's lake perch! Notice I'm drinking a beverage indigenous to the area while the youngin's are enjoying a Mike's Hard Lemonade. We all imbibe about once a year (we're light weights). No offense to those who battle substance or alcohol abuse. I might have had a problem years ago, but when I had my changed everything. The last time I was drunk she was 11 months old and she is 29 now. I haven't had more then 1 or 2 drinks a year because alcoholism runs in my family. It was one struggle God gifted me with strength enough to avoid.

The weather was 98 degrees that day and even the almost non-existent breeze from the lake didn't offer comfort from the heat and humidity. We were dripping perspiration just sitting still! My old joints were aching and by the end of the day, my hip hurt so bad my brother-in-law had to literally pull my leg! I could barely walk. Folks, it really is all down hill after 40! Just kidding. I usually don't have any problems, but for some reason I must have had a virus or something that attacked my joints that week. Any who...if I haven't already said so, I had a blast visiting family recently. Will have to wear out my welcome and do it again soon.


Charlyn said...

The "young-ins"?? LOL! I suppose, since you could barely walk, we do seem young! ;)

Mmm..Fish n chips - I'm hungry for more!

Susan said...

I know, they were awesome!

Stephanie said...
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Stephanie said...

Hmmmm... I wonder where you could have POSSIBLY been?! hehehe

That was a HOT 98 degrees too I might add!

Susan said...

Yes it was. We were not far from your neck of the woods...was it hot for you too?