Wednesday, July 19, 2006

30th Reunion

My bro and I recently attended our 30 year high school reunion. Yup, PWHS class of 1976. No, we're not twins...he's 10 months older then me. We are twins for about a month and a half. NONE of our friends were there, so it was a little disappointing. But, we did bump into classmates (had to look at the nametags before we could recognize them) and mingled a bit. Swapped a few stories, caught up on the local gossip. It was great. "Those were the days my friend, we thought they'd never end."

We left early and went to my brother's house for a tour. Then, stopped off at my nephew's house and kissed my great nephew. Was great to be back home with the "rents" and sisters too.

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